Angelina Jolie Has Ovaries Removed in Move Against Cancer
Two years after undergoing prophylactic mastectomy, the BRCA1 gene carrier has now announced that she has undergone further surgery. Medscape Medical News …read more
Two years after undergoing prophylactic mastectomy, the BRCA1 gene carrier has now announced that she has undergone further surgery. Medscape Medical News …read more
Breast implants in France will now carry a warning after they were linked to a rare cancer, anaplastic large cell lymphoma. Medscape Medical News …read more
The USPSTF has concluded there is insufficient evidence to recommend screening for thyroid dysfunction in asymptomatic, nonpregnant adults; some experts say it may have a role in older patients. Medscape Medical News …read more
Understanding the chemokine landscape of papillary serous ovarian cancer, the most common form of the disease, is important for the development of new immunotherapy strategies where the goal is to… …read more
Mr Michael Dooley, one of the UK’s leading fertility experts and Consultant Gynaecologist, delivered an insightful speech entitled ‘To bleed or not to bleed’ at the British Association of Sport and… …read more
Women who develop gestational diabetes face a staggeringly high risk of developing type 2 diabetes if they have a high baseline BMI and gain weight postpregnancy, warn researchers. Medscape Medical News …read more
A new microarray-based tool, called VaginArray, offers the potential to provide a fast, reliable and low-cost assessment of vaginal health and diagnoses of infections. …read more
A new study from Oregon State University suggests there is a relationship between low levels of vitamin D and depression in otherwise healthy young women. …read more
“Consensual unions,” two people living in the same dwelling in a relationship akin to marriage, have been an integral part of family life in Latin America for centuries. …read more
Women who have difficulty getting pregnant often turn to in-vitro fertilization (IVF), but it doesn’t always work. …read more