New MACRA Rules Make Medicare Pay Cut in 2019 Less Likely
Physicians can pick their own pace of implementation in 2017 to avoid a penalty, CMS acting administrator Andy Slavitt promised today. Medscape Medical News …read more
Physicians can pick their own pace of implementation in 2017 to avoid a penalty, CMS acting administrator Andy Slavitt promised today. Medscape Medical News …read more
Physicians can pick their own pace of implementation in 2017 to avoid a penalty, CMS acting administrator Andy Slavitt promised today. Medscape Medical News …read more
The first new case of a live-born infant with Zika virus–related birth defects in almost a month was reported during the week ending Sept. 1, bringing the U.S. total to 18 so far, according to the… …read more
The first new case of a live-born infant with Zika virus–related birth defects in almost a month was reported during the week ending Sept. 1, bringing the U.S. total to 18 so far, according to the… …read more
Physical activity was protective against increased alcohol-related mortality risk in an observational study. Medscape Medical News …read more
The World Health Organization reports that more than 200 million girls and women currently have been subjected to female genital mutilation/cutting worldwide, and three million girls continue to be… …read more
Learn all about the symptoms and disorders associated with the monthly period. This article also looks at treatment for premenstrual symptoms. …read more
None of the tests on the market are reliable, meaning they could lead women to forgo needed care, or opt for unnecessary care, the agency said. News Alerts …read more
When the Fracture Risk Assessment Tool is used for assessment of the likelihood of osteoporosis, age-dependent intervention thresholds that are country-specific are best, a new review indicates. Medscape Medical News …read more
Expert review and meta-analysis suggests uncomplicated dichorionic twins should be delivered at 37 weeks’ gestation; no clear evidence supports delivery of monochorionic twins before 36 weeks. Medscape Medical News …read more