Fetal Alcohol Disorders Much More Common Than Prior Estimates
Even with conservative methods, the rate of fetal alcohol disorders in the United States may be fivefold previous estimates, researchers reported. Medscape Medical News …read more
Even with conservative methods, the rate of fetal alcohol disorders in the United States may be fivefold previous estimates, researchers reported. Medscape Medical News …read more
An overview of hairy nipples, a common condition in women. Included is detail on the role of hormones and when to see a doctor for hairy nipples. …read more
The higher risk of preterm births for women over 40 may not be completely explained by their greater use of reproductive technology or medical interventions like induced labor or planned cesarean deliveries, a Canadian study suggests. Reuters Health Information …read more
Dr JoAnn Manson offers clinicians a new resource to guide discussions with patients about vitamins and supplements. Medscape Ob/Gyn …read more
A look at bicornuate uterus, a condition where the uterus is shaped like a heart. Included is detail on how it is diagnosed, and when to see a doctor. …read more
Overall hospitalizations for influenza-like illness are at their highest since the CDC began collecting such data, and the season has yet to peak, according to new government information. News Alerts …read more
It is possible to contract many STIs through oral sex, including herpes, gonorrhea, and syphilis. Learn more about the conditions and prevention. …read more
Human fetal ovarian explants exposed to ibuprofen during weeks 7 to 12 of development had fewer germ cells and increased cell death. Medscape Medical News …read more