What causes a period to start and stop?
Some people experience an irregular menstrual cycle. Learn more about irregular periods, what causes them, and when to see a doctor. …read more
Some people experience an irregular menstrual cycle. Learn more about irregular periods, what causes them, and when to see a doctor. …read more
In the United States, two drugs have been approved to treat low libido in females. Some refer to these medications as “Viagra for women.” This article looks at how these drugs work, possible side effects, and alternatives. …read more
For the first time, a study shows that exercise alters tumor gene expression in breast cancer patients in less than a month prior to surgery. Medscape Medical News …read more
We have the strongest evidence to date that what’s bad for the heart is also bad for the brain. Medscape Ob/Gyn …read more
Red blood cell width, routinely available in full blood counts, is associated with likelihood of hip fracture and could offer a good way to identify high risk patients at no cost, say researchers. Medscape Medical News …read more
The vagina usually produces natural lubrication to stay healthy and facilitate sexual activity. When this is not enough, artificial lubricants or vaginal moisturizers can help. This article looks at the uses and side effects of different types of lube. …read more
Once a urinary tract infection (UTI) starts to get better, people may wonder if they can return to sex. Learn about the safety and risks of sex with a UTI here. …read more
Healthy Eating Index scores in the United States improved slightly from 1999 through 2016, with the estimated energy contribution from carbohydrates decreasing, but some problems persist. Medscape Medical News …read more
Updated guidance from the ACOG advocates making vaginal rings, the contraceptive patch, and depot medroxyprogesterone acetate available for purchase over the counter along with oral contraceptives. Medscape Medical News …read more
Iron deficiency anemia in early pregnancy is tied to an increased risk of neurodevelopmental disorders, including intellectual disability, in kids. Medscape Medical News …read more