Have You Been Personally Affected by COVID-19?
The global count of COVID-19 cases has surpassed 20 million, and the US count recently passed 5 million. Medscape Reader Polls …read more
The global count of COVID-19 cases has surpassed 20 million, and the US count recently passed 5 million. Medscape Reader Polls …read more
Data from the large National Birth Defects Prevention Study suggest venlafaxine was associated with the most birth defects and escitalopram the fewest. Medscape Medical News …read more
In a move defying the usual political polarization, Pennsylvania lawmakers from both parties agreed the cost of using the federal marketplace had grown too high and the state could do it for much less. Kaiser Health News …read more
The findings of a randomized controlled trial were so dramatic that the study was stopped early and patients in the control group were given the therapy also, researchers report. Medscape Medical News …read more
Radiologist Dr Scott Atlas draws sharp rebukes from those who say his views are not grounded in science and praise from those who agree with his view that the virus risk is overblown. Medscape Medical News …read more
Contract tracing showed that household contacts had the highest secondary COVID-19 transmission risk of at 10.3%. The rate was 0.01% for those exposed on public transportation. Medscape Medical News …read more
As mask mandates have increased, some people are looking for a way around the rules by asking doctors for medical excuses to opt out of wearing one. WebMD Health News …read more
Despite claims the Rutgers move will be beneficial, the Newark mayor calls the plan a “takeover” that lacks transparency. Those at the institutions describe the culture as “one of silence and fear.” Medscape Medical News …read more
Guidance from public health experts has evolved as they have learned more about the coronavirus, but one message has remained consistent: if you feel sick, stay home. Kaiser Health News …read more
Julia Lee Close, MD, opened up at ASCO’s annual meeting about her depression and related a stunning turn of events as she healed. Medscape Medical News …read more