Health benefits of eating placenta ‘unproven’
A small review of studies on placenta consumption has failed to yield any evidence to support common beliefs about its healthful effects in new mothers. …read more
A small review of studies on placenta consumption has failed to yield any evidence to support common beliefs about its healthful effects in new mothers. …read more
The panel members expressed concerns, however, about concomitant use of the women’s libido drug with alcohol and the potential for syncope. Medscape Medical News …read more
The high rate of aneuploidy in human eggs could be explained by an unusually long meiotic spindle assembly period which favors chromosome segregation errors, according to a new study published in… …read more
No scientific evidence that it protects against depression, pain or other benefits Placenta doesn’t prevent postpartum depression, ease pain, boost energy or aid lactation Celebrities… …read more
Later today, the FDA will vote – for the third time in 5 years – on whether to approve flibanserin, a drug touted as Viagra for women. However, concerns over its safety remain. …read more
If you flew off to offer your medical services after an earthquake, would you be a skilled helper or a disaster tourist? Find out in this review of global medical volunteerism. Medscape Public Health …read more
Moderate exercise during pregnancy reduces the risk for gestational diabetes and decreases maternal weight gain, according to a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Medscape Medical News …read more
Rice University part of Israel study to test novel treatment for little-understood conditionWomen who suffer from fibromyalgia benefit from a treatment regimen in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber… …read more
Receiving hormone therapy for up to 4 years after the last menstrual period did not improve cognition but did alleviate some mood symptoms. Medscape Medical News …read more
Collegiate women who wore shoes with 10 cm high heels more than 3 times per week to their classes developed an imbalance of 4 functional ankle muscles. …read more