What to know about ferritin blood tests for anemia
A ferritin blood test is a simple way to check a person’s iron levels. In this article, we discuss normal, low, and high levels, what they mean, and how to alter blood ferritin levels. …read more
A ferritin blood test is a simple way to check a person’s iron levels. In this article, we discuss normal, low, and high levels, what they mean, and how to alter blood ferritin levels. …read more
Study finds that people consuming a lower-carbohydrate diet following weight loss have greater energy expenditure compared with a higher-carb diet, but methodology called into question. Medscape Medical News …read more
The largest prospective randomized trial of vitamin D and omega-3 supplementation provides much-needed information. Medscape Ob/Gyn …read more
The decline in office visits to primary care physicians from 2012 to 2016 was partially offset by increases in visits to nurse practitioners and physician assistants. Medscape Medical News …read more
An oncologist who is a mother was recently bounced from presenting her poster at a major meeting because she brought her baby to the session. Is that okay? Medscape Reader Polls …read more
The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends primary care-based screening and counseling of adults, but cites insufficient evidence to recommend interventions for adolescents. Medscape Medical News …read more
Kits to self-test for human papillomavirus (HPV) mailed to underserved women helped to identify virtually all of those with high-risk HPV oncogenic types, in a proof-of-principle study. Medscape Medical News …read more
New research, presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions meeting, finds that heart attacks are no longer an ‘old man’s disease.’ …read more
Age, experience predict physicians’ comfort with transgender patients; clinicians and office staff should learn sensitive ways of communicating with this population, expert says. Medscape Medical News …read more
Simple ovarian cysts discovered on ultrasound are not associated with an increased risk for ovarian cancer and do not need further follow-up imaging, say researchers. Medscape Medical News …read more