Freeze-All Embryo Transfer Policy May Lead to Better IVF Outcomes
Dr Peter Kovacs reviews a new study showing better IVF outcomes using a freeze-all embryo transfer policy as compared with using fresh embryo transfer. Medscape Ob/Gyn …read more
Dr Peter Kovacs reviews a new study showing better IVF outcomes using a freeze-all embryo transfer policy as compared with using fresh embryo transfer. Medscape Ob/Gyn …read more
Known to some as ‘Dr Howard,’ he and his wife Georgeanna also opened the first US sex-change clinic and were asked to consult with Pope John II on the implications of in vitro fertilization. Medscape Medical News …read more
Program directors consider few first-year fellows to be proficient in basic surgical procedures, a study has shown. Medscape Medical News …read more
Four of five pregnant women received at least one prescription, leaving researchers to caution that the system must balance a woman’s medical needs with those of the developing fetus. Medscape Medical News …read more
The Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) announces the publication of a Health Education & Behavior theme section devoted to the latest research on domestic violence prevention and the… …read more
Abusive men put female partners at greater sexual risk, study findsAbusive and controlling men are more likely to put their female partners at sexual risk, and the level of that risk escalates… …read more
Tell Us: Should organized medicine support federal funding for Planned Parenthood? Medscape Ob/Gyn …read more
A high-GI diet has been previously linked to health problems. Now, a new study has revealed the diet can increase the risk of depression in postmenopausal women. …read more
Over 30% of women diagnosed with ovarian cancer survive longer than 10 years, according to a new study, with many of these patients considered high risk of dying from the disease. …read more
In a first for the NHS, Barts Health NHS Trust in partnership with the My Body Back Project has launched a UK-wide pilot service offering women who have been sexually assaulted access to specialist… …read more