Fears that sterilization procedure is unsafe
A female sterilization device approved in 2002 may be no more reliable in preventing pregnancy than laparascopic sterilization and is more likely to lead to complications. …read more
A female sterilization device approved in 2002 may be no more reliable in preventing pregnancy than laparascopic sterilization and is more likely to lead to complications. …read more
SAN DIEGO – Medicaid patients were nearly twice as likely to develop surgical site infections after cesarean delivery than privately insured women, according to investigators from the Centers for… …read more
This predictive tool underestimates the 10-year risk of a major fracture in patients with depression or those taking common psychiatric medications, researchers report. Medscape Medical News …read more
A new study suggests that babies born during June, July or August have higher birth weights and are taller as adults, and girls born in summer have a later onset of puberty. …read more
Women from various ethnic minorities are more likely to receive inferior treatment for breast cancer than non-Hispanic white women. …read more
What is happening in week 14 of your pregnancy? Your baby is now the size of a lemon and a coat of fine hair called lanugo is growing on his or her body. …read more
Large-scale modeling of data from the Mastectomy Reconstruction Outcomes Consortium allows for the calculation of individualized patient risk. Medscape Medical News …read more
Read clinically focused news coverage of key developments from ASBMR 2015. Medscape Diabetes & Endocrinology …read more
Ultrasounds for women with gestational diabetes overestimate the risk for large-for-gestational-age infants and, regardless of the infant’s actual weight, increase the odds of cesarean delivery. Medscape Medical News …read more
A genetic variant near the KLF14 gene regulates hundreds of genes that govern how and where women’s bodies store fat, which affects their risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, according to research… …read more