In NEJM: Drug for Protecting Fertility During Chemotherapy
In a study of women with breast cancer, the hormone suppresser goserelin was impressively protective of the ovaries during chemo. Medscape Medical News …read more
In a study of women with breast cancer, the hormone suppresser goserelin was impressively protective of the ovaries during chemo. Medscape Medical News …read more
Dr Susan Love describes crowdsourcing, a unique method for gathering patient reports on the effects of breast cancer treatment, which she suspects will turn research ‘upside down.’ Medscape Oncology …read more
In a study of 159 women who had been exposed to at least one assault-related potentially traumatic event, 30% developed major depressive disorder, which may be attributed to self-blame common to… …read more
Nearly all women and people over 65 in the U.S. with atrial fibrillation are advised to take blood thinners under new guidelines based on an analysis from the Duke Clinical Research Institute. …read more
Further study needed on stress-induced heart disease, microvascular anginaWomen veterans who had specialized heart tests were younger and more likely to be obese, depressed and suffer from… …read more
Recent mothers who experience higher levels of social stressors are the least likely to have rules that totally ban smoking in the home, which could expose their infants to secondhand smoke and… …read more